I feel stronger and healthier which was my true goal for this summer. I am holding poses in yoga that I never thought would be possible. Mentally and emotionally I am in a happy place and I am proud to report that my bad snacking has decreased (no more cheesy poofs for me)!
Now only if I could see the fruits of my labor!!!!
I have not noticed too many physical changes which is a complete reflection of my diet. I am eating healthy foods, which is definite positive, but my portion control is lacking. I have known this and even written about it in this blog but I have not done anything about it. Even taking the steps to change this has proven a very difficult challenge for me. I have started food journals time and time again but have lasted only 4 days each time. There's a part of me that still thinks I can beat this with exercise alone even though I am sure that you can't outrun your diet.
So, this is my umpteenth attempt at a food journal. I am going to write down everything I eat and I mean EVERYTHING!!! I know it's going to be difficult but I am going to try! I will share the details with you in this blog so that you can also keep me accountable. Hopefully, I can share and good recipe or two ;)
If any of you readers have some yummy, healthy recipes please feel free to share. I would love to try them =)
The infamous food journal. I may have entries in here dating back to 2005 :O