Typically, my reactions are as follows:
- Sheer delight (squeeee!, nom nom nom)
- Complete frustration for caving (grrrrr)
- Grabbing my love handles and doing the Chunk "truffle shuffle"
- Deciding that tomorrow is another day and to work my butt off during my next workout - you just can't beat yourself up anymore
This time I noticed something else - my distended stomach, nausea and PAIN. The onset of these symptoms were immediate.
I have been dealing with stomach issues for the past decade. I was diagnosed with gastritis and other related issues but I never went on any kind of diet to see if it was a food allergy. Quite frankly, I've just been lazy with my diet, but recently it has occurred to me that I have to change what I eat because I am not processing certain foods. It's not about just losing weight anymore people, it's about not feeling pain every time I eat!
My friend, Jamie, recently sent me the image below;

I have 9 out of 10 of these symptoms! So, suffice it to say, I will eliminating gluten from my diet. I'll keep everyone posted about the outcome. So far, no gluten today and I feel really good. That does not happen often so this is progress.
Cheetos puffs do not have gluten but they do have cheese (it says so on the bag!) so I am thinking I may have a slight intolerance to lactose. I have eaten other things dairy that have not affected me but I have noticed if food is made with heavy cream I end up regretting ever consuming it. Frank gave me a Lactaid and the pain subsided slightly.
As much as I do not like feeling bloated and uncomfortable I must admit that I am glad I had such a negative reaction to my (once) favorite snack. I will certainly think twice about eating them again! The few minutes of joy you get from eating that unhealthy snack isn't worth the hours of discomfort you feel afterward. Last night was just another reminder.
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