Friday, June 21, 2013


I took my first CrossFit class at Crossfit Fightworx.  For those of you who don't know what Crossfit is, "a strength and conditioning program that combines a mix of aerobic exercise, body weight exercise, gymnastics, and Olympic weight lifting. It is, “constantly varied, high intensity, functional movement." You can read more about it HERE. Thank you Megan Vieira for motivating me to go!!! 

The workout was intense! It started off with an 800 meter run which got our hearts pumping. We then stretched using a foam roll or pvc pipe.  I've had a foam roll for years and never used it. That is going to change after today.  Holy smokes; what an amazing way to attack/relieve some sore muscles!

Our workout was divided into two distinct segments; one for strength building and another for conditioning.

Our strength building series consisted of alternating push presses and weighted pushups (for the badass CrossFitters ;)).

For push presses; we warmed up with 9 reps and then performed 5 sets of lifts (7, 5, 5, 5, 3 reps, respectively) with 20 pushups in between each set (totaling 100 pushups).  Before our limbs became wet noodles we had the option of adding a 15 to 25 pound weight on our back. Yes, Frank and I devolved to lady pushups.

To complete a proper push press, you start with a shoulder width, underhand grip and rest the barbell against your clavicle. This helps support the weight of the bar and takes stress off your wrists. Your feet should be at hip width distance, with your toes pointed slightly out. Your knees should remain out and not buckled throughout the exercise.

To begin you tighten your abs, take a slight dip at the knees and then powerfully push the barbell straight over your head using your legs for the first bit of momentum. Remember to keep your butt back, as that will help you maintain your balance and prevent you from hyperextending your back. This is especially important when you move up to higher weights.

I was able to get my first 7 reps out and the consecutive 20 pushups (with added weight) but I.WAS. SWEATING!!! My partners decided to add 10 pounds to the next set of push presses and continued adding but I had to stay at 45 pounds (which is the weight of the bar by itself).  No matter - I completed the exercise and was motivated by my team along the way. Both Megan and Chas (see more about him below) kept coming by to correct my form - which is awesome because you don't have that attention at the gym.

I eventually had to do my push ups without the weight on my back - by eventually I mean my 3rd set ;)
And it was the first time I completely fatigued and fell out of a pushup.  My arms felt like jello!!!
ahhh my face is about to hit the ground!!!
The conditioning exercise was a team challenge; a combination of burpees and a 100m run for a total of 8 minutes. While one team member was doing burpees, the other was completing the run. We alternated turns for the entire 8 minutes. This doesn't sound like a long time, but trust me you will be exhausted after this exercise. I was in the team of 3. Two of us had to start with burpees which looked something like this:
  ok, not my best look, but you get the idea ;)
To complete a burpee you put your hands down and jump your feet back into a plank position while lowering your body to the ground (try not to slam your face). Next, you jump your feet back to meet your hands, and explode into a jump and clap your hands above you head. (repeat FOR-EV-ER).

While my one teammate and I were completing burpees our other teammate was running the 100 meter circuit. When she completed that run it was our turn to run the 100 meters while she continued our burpee count.  Simple sounding, but challenging! It was mind over matter for 8 solid minutes.

I can't tell you how great I felt. I had Frank carry me back to the car. Then he bought me ice cream. It was an awesome training session.
There were quite a few couples and friends that did the workouts together. The exercises required teamwork, so we were partnered with strangers. it was a nice change from the gym where everyone works out individually. Everyone had vested interest in how their teammates were doing. We cheered each other on, high fived and motivated each other to finish. And this was only day one for me! It really felt like a family.

It was a driven environment and the trainers were on-hand to coach and motivate. It is a nice benefit to have weight lifting skills and education when performing any exercise. A nice bonus for the cost of your membership. The staff was engaged in our training and pumped enough to keep us moving through our challenges.
Crossfit Fightworx is owned by Chas Mackk. He was very personable and made sure that everyone felt at home in his gym. Your first session is free! I have not been to a place yet that has allowed this, but Chas has the right mindset. He wants you to see if the program is right for you and that you are right for the program. You really have to want to be there because the members are just as integral to the atmosphere as the trainers.

They have a Groupon promotion going on for a $50 unlimited month. If you are in the Berkley heights/ Scotch Plains area, this is a great deal to try out a new exercise program!

They also have an event on June 29, 2013 at Jersey Gardens. The class will cost $15.00 and all proceeds will go to Oklahoma victims to rebuild from the disastrous tornadoes that recently hit the area.  For more information, please contact Crossfit Fightworx

All in all, I now understand what all the rage has been about when discussing CrossFit. It's a fun and intense workout that builds strength, endurance and pretty much makes you a badass ;)

Thanks again for the great experience!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Hips don't lie

That Shakira is one smart cookie!  She had it right when she sang, "my hips don't lie".  Of course, she was referring to something else, but the song does ring true in a sense. If you have pain in your hips, tailbone, groin, etc... those might be signs of a deeper issue.....

Which comes to today's topic - stretching.  Obviously, if you have read this blog you know I am a yogi. I love it! I love how it detoxes my body, the feeling of accomplishment after finishing a class and how stress free I feel once I am done with a flow. There are so many benefits to yoga!

What I don't love is the stretching....which means that's what I need to do the most!  It's true.  Leg flexibility is not one of my strong suits.  I have always wanted to be able to do splits but the pain in my groin and hamstrings never allowed it.

This past winter I (unfortunately) found out that I have pelvic floor issues.  You can read more about it here HERE.  From what I understand, many women are affected by this but are afraid to talk about it.  I can understand the silence once you read the link above. Some women may find it embarrassing to regale you with the symptoms.  But not me....

My symptoms started after a hot vinyasa class.  I came home, started to cook dinner with Frank and then turned to get something from the fridge. It was at that moment that I felt a severe pain on the inside, to the point where taking a minor step felt impossible.  It felt like Norman Bates was shoving his knife in me (eeh! eeh! eeh!) and I could feel it in my stomach all the way down to my feet. Frank had to carry me to bed as I was unable to move.  It was a pretty scary experience because I had no idea what was happening to me. I thought that I was going to hemorrhage but there were no external symptoms.  I saw my doctor the next day, still feeling massive discomfort, but everything from her perspective seemed normal. A week later the pain was gone as quickly as it came. I thought I was going out of my mind!

Less than two months later I was 5 minutes into a yoga class and the same stabbing feeling came back. This was even worse since I was alone, I wasn't home and I somehow had to get myself back.  It took me about 40 minutes just to get my bag and walk down to my car that day.  I had no clue what was going on just that I wouldn't wish that pain on my worst enemy!

I talked to my sister, who is a physical therapist, and she was the one who brought pelvic floor disorder to my attention.  She advised that I speak to my doctor and possibly meet with a specialist.  Thankfully, my doctor knew a physical therapist who worked with patients like me. Sure enough, I was diagnosed with pelvic floor disorder after my initial visit.

This is how the condition was explained to me; your muscles are all connected and interlaced in your pelvic floor.  So if they are too tight or too weak they could cause pain in the pelvic area (obviously this is a very shorted version of the diagnosis. I am not a physical therapist or doctor so if you want more information please feel free to research the topic!).

In my case, my pelvic floor muscles were so wound up and in knots that it caused my hips to misalign, my pubic bone to separate and my tailbone to twist. Thankfully, this is a disorder that can be fixed with extensive physical therapy (as long as you do the exercises everyday). Unfortunately, the "cure" was not going to happen overnight.

"So my tailbone and groin pain are not normal???"  "Ummm, no"

A haaaaa, A haaaaa

I have complained about my tailbone and groin pain for years! I thought one was the result of arthritis and the other from years of running and playing soccer, respectively. What I didn't know was that these aches are common signs of pelvic floor disorder.

My therapist said that this is where I hold my stress.....who knew?!?  To boot, it was compounded by years of not recognizing that I was building tension in that area. With all the sports I was involved in you would think that stretching my legs and hips were a part of my daily schedule. I just didn't realize I wasn't doing it right.  That and I always took the stretching portion of our practices as a time to socialize because I did not find any point in it.  It was just boring and a waste of time in my opinion. Oh what the 32 year old me would tell the 12 year old me!

Now, doing moves that most people find easy are so difficult for me. My piriformis and psoas muscles are super tight!!!

The key to overcoming these aches is stretching.  A little bit everyday and you will see how much it helps! You have to listen to your body and do what is available to you but each day you will see an improvement.  Practicing will only make it better. And I know it may seem monotonous but you need to stretch! It will only help in the long run!  Here is another article that I found interesting; it answers the questions in regards to time of day, how long to hold stretches and how often you should stretch.

Below are the exercises that my physical therapist made me do every day.  These all helped tremendously in my recovery....

Clams - slowly turn the entire top leg outward so that the kneecap rotates upward slightly.  Don't let the pelvis or trunk move; the motion is at the hip. Do 20 -30 of these on each side

Pigeon pose - try to slide the shin so that it is parallel to the front of the mat; keep hips aligned and lower down until the stretch is felt. Hold stretch for 60 seconds; do 2-3 sets on each side

Happy Baby - lying down bring knees up to your chest and out.  Hold for 60 seconds.  Do 2 sets of these

Leg lifts with band - start standing straight and lift leg to side. Keep hips aligned and do not jut opposite hip out to the side.  Do 30 on each side.

I hope that everyone reading this blog stretches everyday! It's amazing what 20-30 minutes a day can help with and more importantly help you avoid!  Listen to your body because it is most likely telling you what you need to do!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Wood, Silver, Daisies & Turquoise

June 14, 2008 -

Five years ago I donned a (poofy) white wedding gown.  I walked down the aisle, arm in arm with my father, staring at the man that I would call my husband.  I repeated the traditional "I do" vows and was called a wife for the first time. Five years ago I married Frank Glodek...and it was the BEST decision of my life.

Five years later and I am more in love with the man I said "I do" to all those years ago. I didn't think it was possible to love my husband more than I did on our wedding day. Frank has been my blanket on cold mornings, my nurse on hot nights, my comic relief after a long day at work and my shoulder to cry on whenever necessary. He's an integral part of my life and I honestly can't imagine it without him.

These past five years have solidified our bond more than my words can express. We have experienced countless events (both great and devastating) that have shaped us into the married couple we are today. And I cherish that we are growing together.

So why wood, silver, daisies and turquoise? These subjects are symbolic 5th anniversary gifts; traditional, modern, flower & gemstone (respectively).  Frank and I have not really exchanged physical gifts on our collective anniversaries but emotionally, he has made me one rich lady! 

I have never been one of those women who believes in the fairytale marriage.  But I have one that is pretty damn close. Happy Anniversary, Frank!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Love the skin you are in....

Love your body.  It is the only one you have.  Be thankful for everything it has endured and continues to get you through day in and day out. 

You can work at making it stronger....leaner....healthier....but right now this is the best body you have.

So, be kind to it. Be patient with it. Respect it.  And understand that it is B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!

Take a moment, every day, to be thankful for your body and appreciate all it's potential.

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live. “ Jim Rohn.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Classes cost how much?!?!

I love to dance. I love to play soccer. I love to play softball, to run, to swim, to BodyRock. I LOVE YOGA.  Bottom line, I love to keep physically active and I am willing to try any activity once.

When I first started this blog I had an idea to try out and write about a few "unusual" forms of exercise. I think they would be great to document and a lot of fun to try. Have you ever thought about trying something like; pole dancing, aerial ribbon classes, Krav Maga, CrossFit, belly dancing, ballroom lessons (mostly tango and samba)? =) I figured I could test them out and give you the scoop!

I mean, doesn't this acrobatic pole-dancing look like fun?!

I figured I could fit them all in in the first month. But, I now realize that life is a careful balance between two things; money and time. Before I had plenty of the first and none of the second. Now I find the opposite to be true! Granted, my family is not destitute by any means, but we DO need to watch our expenses. As much as that tightens my throat in fear, it's OK. I will do SOME of the things that I want to do. Maybe not all at once, but over a period of time. =) It kind of makes each activity feel a bit more special because it is more valuable to me!

It's an amazing mental shift. You work so hard for so long and you don't think twice about paying $4 for a cup of coffee (sometimes twice a day!) or buying take out because you are too rushed and exhausted to pack your own lunch. Now that $4 coffee (i.e. my Tall-Skinny Mocha, with my name scrawled delicately across the outside) seems just a little too extravagant.

I also realize that a lot of my friends are also busy with work or kids (or both!) and/or strapped for time or money and looking for some cost-effective options themselves. Maybe I can breakdown some "exercises on a budget" for you and flavor the daily routines with Pole-Dancing or other "exotic" fitness options, from time to time. =)

Okay. So what can I do instead? I still have my gym membership. I have several parks nearby and plenty of nice weather (stay away tropical storm Andrea!) and lots of Youtube and online channels, like Thedailyhiit, offering free daily exercise programs. Honestly, I have NO excuses!!

I have always been a believer in working hard, and playing harder.  For the first time I am getting to really try out the playing part. I hope you are enjoying my blog half as much as I am enjoying sharing my days with you! =)

P.S. No nighttime snacks for 2 days. Eek!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

No, I will not have that late night snack!

You remember how I said I love to eat?  Well, one of my favorite times to chow down is right before bedtime.  The second I lay down all I can think of is food.  It may have to do with all those mouthwatering food commercials (damn you fast food places!)  during my favorite shows, but I am not going to just blame it on TV.  This is just one of my bad habits and the craving claws that are dug deep into my being have a strong hold over me. I'm not even hungry most times, but I am so conditioned to the comfort of the food, that it feels like the right thing to do.

If I do cave, I try to go for something healthy like a piece of fruit or veggies with a small side of lite dressing.  I TRY but I would be lying if I didn't tell you that sometimes the snack is a piece of deli meat or tasty crackers or both. Most of the time, it's both.....Oy! Frank always tells me to "put some chips in a bowl" instead of bringing up the entire bag. I know it's good advice!

But at the end of the day (pun intended), late night snacking is not a good thing for me.  PERIOD!

Last night, all I wanted was my late night snack.  I occupied myself with my blog by starting three drafts but unable to finish any of them because all I could think of was, "mmmmm foooooood". I drank some water hoping that would curb my appetite.

It definitely helped some, but I had to fight my cravings until I went to sleep. I did not yield and I finally did it; I went to bed late-night-snack free! IT. WAS. HARD!!! But I am so proud of myself for not taking the trip down the 14 steps and walking 35 feet to the refrigerator.  I got over the first hurdle (of many) and I am going to try my hardest to continue down that path. 

How many of you battle late night cravings? How many of you try to talk yourself out of it and still cave? There is absolutely no judgment here, but you have to acknowledge the bad habit before you can fix it. In the past I would tell myself that I worked out so I earned that late night snack. What I ended up doing was perpetuating a bad habit.

I found this article rather interesting and helpful. There are some tips on how to Overcome-Food-Cravings. It may not happen overnight, but when it does CONGRATULATE yourself. Acknowledge that you did it and don't beat yourself up if you happen to fall off the wagon. Just remember that incredible feeling for accomplishing the task that you set forth. 

Going forward, I will occasionally blog about how I am faring against my cravings. I welcome you to share your achievements in the comment section below! We can accomplish this together!

P.S. I had a great yoga class today and was able to do a headstand - for about 2 seconds - but I DID IT! Woo hoooooo!!!!  It's not perfect but I am working on it. Here's a video for your viewing pleasure. ;)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Today I am using my blog as an opportunity to dissect how I am feeling.

This morning I attended Annie's hot vinyasa practice at OnyxMind&Body. She is a wonderful teacher and I usually find her classes very calming and relaxing (Namaste!). However, it was one of those days where I could not enter fully into my practice. I was edgy and fidgeting and uncomfortable. Not a very enjoyable feeling. This probably did not have so much to do with my physical condition, but with my mental state. I just had to accept my current state of being and yield to child's pose after a few minutes into class.

Child's pose 

Afterward, I thought about what was really bothering me. I was at unease today. I was thinking about the lifestyle and career I recently left behind and was allowing my shadow of the past to interfere with my present. I am enjoying my newfound freedoms and activities, but occasionally I have a sense of guilt, perhaps, or a feeling of a lack of responsibility. Shouldn't I be saving for me and my family's future? Am I contributing enough to my family's well being and security? I am sure that we ALL feel this way some of the time. More than is healthy, probably!

This is where I need practice in learning to relax and to JUST.LET.GO! Dwelling on the past is not benefitting my current situation and I have been given a fabulous gift to enjoy for however long this stage of my life lasts. I need to allow life to happen once in a while instead of herding it in the direction I think it should go. =) Sometimes this is easier said then done!

Here is a fantastic yoga quote (Buddha) that is similar to the mantra shared in our yoga class today;

“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past,
not to worry about the future, or not to anticipate troubles,
but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.”

— The Buddha

Sometimes it takes courage to blaze new trails in your life. Sometimes it takes courage to reach out to help someone else. Sometimes it takes courage just to be still and b-r-e-a-t-h-e...(ahhhhhhh!).

I hope that some of my readers are able to take some hope and sense of peace from my blog entry today. I can totally empathize if any of you are feeling the same way!

In closing, I wanted to share with you my friend Jocelyn's blog. She has had a challenging year overcoming Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and her positive outlook is such an amazing inspiration to me! Please check out her blog ( to hear her story!


P.S. I "Steam-Rolled" Frank's head about 10 times last night as my daily exercise, as he was wheezing in laughter.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Tough Mudder!!!!

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of attending the Philadelphia Tough Mudder with some great friends!  Frank, Jake and Colin participated and their lady counterparts (Jen, Rachel and I) were there to cheer them on.  It was awesome watching them throughout the course and even better to see them cross that finish line!

I was really proud of all of the participants as this is a very difficult event to finish. If you don't know what Tough Mudder is check out at the link above.  As a brief synopsis it is a, "...10-12 mile obstacle course designed by British Special Forces to test your all around strength, stamina, mental grit, and camaraderie." And test it did! The distance is difficult enough but add in the hilly terrain of Pennsylvania and 21 endurance obstacles and it is downright exhausting!!!

One of the neat features about this event is that the primary goal is to work together and finish as a team.  We definitely saw this throughout the day.  There were some participants who were solo yet other teams encouraged them and lent a hand to make sure that everyone completed the obstacles.  It was a real pleasure to witness!

I saw so many people (especially my fellow badass women) that were in such great shape they made some of the obstacles look like a walk in the park. Even more impressive were the people who were in not as great shape but were participating and finishing. You know it takes a lot to overcome that kind of mental and physical challenge. My hats off to all the runners yesterday, as I know how hot it was just walking around the course to find the best photos spots. =)

As we were watching the event I kept questioning if I could complete a race like this.  Honestly, it is not probable right now, but just watching the event has fired up my competitive yearning to accomplish something like this. So, thank you Tough Mudder participants for motivating me!  I am setting a goal to do some kind of mudder run and I will let you all know when it happens =)

Here are some shots from the day:

Before the race
1st Obstacle - Kiss of Mud (belly crawl through mud under barbed wire)  
10th Obstacle - Arctic Enema (jumping and swimming in ice water) 
11th Obstacle - Balls to the Wall
15th Obstacle - Hangin' Tough 
21st Obstacle - Everest (running up a greasy quarter-pipe)

22nd Obstacle - Electroshock Therapy (sprint through field of live wires)