Thursday, June 6, 2013

No, I will not have that late night snack!

You remember how I said I love to eat?  Well, one of my favorite times to chow down is right before bedtime.  The second I lay down all I can think of is food.  It may have to do with all those mouthwatering food commercials (damn you fast food places!)  during my favorite shows, but I am not going to just blame it on TV.  This is just one of my bad habits and the craving claws that are dug deep into my being have a strong hold over me. I'm not even hungry most times, but I am so conditioned to the comfort of the food, that it feels like the right thing to do.

If I do cave, I try to go for something healthy like a piece of fruit or veggies with a small side of lite dressing.  I TRY but I would be lying if I didn't tell you that sometimes the snack is a piece of deli meat or tasty crackers or both. Most of the time, it's both.....Oy! Frank always tells me to "put some chips in a bowl" instead of bringing up the entire bag. I know it's good advice!

But at the end of the day (pun intended), late night snacking is not a good thing for me.  PERIOD!

Last night, all I wanted was my late night snack.  I occupied myself with my blog by starting three drafts but unable to finish any of them because all I could think of was, "mmmmm foooooood". I drank some water hoping that would curb my appetite.

It definitely helped some, but I had to fight my cravings until I went to sleep. I did not yield and I finally did it; I went to bed late-night-snack free! IT. WAS. HARD!!! But I am so proud of myself for not taking the trip down the 14 steps and walking 35 feet to the refrigerator.  I got over the first hurdle (of many) and I am going to try my hardest to continue down that path. 

How many of you battle late night cravings? How many of you try to talk yourself out of it and still cave? There is absolutely no judgment here, but you have to acknowledge the bad habit before you can fix it. In the past I would tell myself that I worked out so I earned that late night snack. What I ended up doing was perpetuating a bad habit.

I found this article rather interesting and helpful. There are some tips on how to Overcome-Food-Cravings. It may not happen overnight, but when it does CONGRATULATE yourself. Acknowledge that you did it and don't beat yourself up if you happen to fall off the wagon. Just remember that incredible feeling for accomplishing the task that you set forth. 

Going forward, I will occasionally blog about how I am faring against my cravings. I welcome you to share your achievements in the comment section below! We can accomplish this together!

P.S. I had a great yoga class today and was able to do a headstand - for about 2 seconds - but I DID IT! Woo hoooooo!!!!  It's not perfect but I am working on it. Here's a video for your viewing pleasure. ;)


  1. Way to go!!! My problem with eating is my insane schedule. I work overnights 3 nights a week but live like a normal human the other four. Everything is all messed up as far as timing goes for meals.

  2. Thanks Shawna! I can only imagine how difficult it must be to eat healthy with a change shift schedule. I just found this study for shift workers:

    Look on page 5 (of 10). There are some really interesting ideas that may help! Keep me posted if you try them and if they work! Good luck Shawna - you can do it!

  3. Vanessa, you rock!!! Thank you for finding that. I'm definitely going to check it out. I'm sure I'll be able to find SOMETHING that will help! THANK YOU!
