Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Yoga progress

I committed to a monthly package at OnyxMind&Body in Warren, NJ and I couldn't be happier. I was a little nervous at first because I am trying to watch every dollar these days, but it is money well spent! The studio is beautiful and the classes are taught by some AMAZING yogis.  I have learned from each and every one of them.

Today's post is about progress.  I still have rough days on the mat but overall I FEEL GREAT!Remember when I said I could barely stay in down dog? Well, I am now getting into poses I never thought would be possible.

I remember being super impressed seeing my fellow classmates get into side crow pose;

I have really been practicing but the most I could do was lift my butt off the ground.  Then, last night while showing Frank the little I could do, I somehow lifted my body off the ground - and held it!


The instructions given by the teachers have really helped me grow in my practice. I have also been able to get into other poses that I had previously tried but never allowed my body, or more importantly my mind, to relax into them.

Here they are:

king pigeon

Headstand - I'm working on getting those elbows in......

My poses are not the prettiest, but it's a start and I am so happy I tried it! I was holding myself back just by telling myself I couldn't do it. I am allowing myself to try new things and I am open to receive more out of my practice.  There is plenty of room to grow and I am looking forward to it. 

Sometimes you think you are going to fall out of a pose but you just have to think, " what"!  If you fall out you just have to get back up and celebrate your failures because at least it means you tried.  I have the bruises to prove it so I am going to revel in them.

So how are you all progressing in your practice, be it yoga or general working out?  Let me know!

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